1. News -

    The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has given Leicestershire Partnership Trust’s (LPT) an overall rating of “Requires Improvement” in its recently published inspection report.
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    Today we launch the “What Would You Do?” campaign to encourage everyone in Rutland to share their views about what changes to local NHS services should be made in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
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    There is still time for Armed Forces families to share their experiences as part of a wide-ranging survey looking at aspects of military life.
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    Are you a veteran, reservist, serving in the armed forces or family of someone who is?
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    We are working with colleagues in Healthwatch Leicester/Leicestershire to deliver co-ordinated engagement with the public about the plan’s proposals.
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    Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, the NHS groups that plan and buy health services, have been talking to people about their experiences of community health services.
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    The Future in Mind programme team are inviting the public to a series of events showing how children’s mental health services are changing in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR).
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    Useful links for carers in the local area
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    This week GPs in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland are encouraging people with a learning disability to make sure they have an annual health check.
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    Find local Mental Health Services and their contact details.
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    Children and young adults who are seriously addicted to computer games will now be able to get help at the country’s first specialist clinic, set up as part of The NHS Long Term Plan.
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    The Exercise Referral Scheme is a programme for adults (16+) with health conditions, who could benefit from increased physical activity.
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    We all love the NHS, but let’s make it even better this year. Tell us about your experiences of health and social care, and the changes that you would like to see made locally, in our online survey. #SpeakUp2020
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    Young people may need help with a range of issues at different points in their life. Find out what you can expect from mental health services, to make sure you get the support you need.
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    People in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) are invited to sign up to a new online network to help shape the future of local NHS services
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    It can be hard to keep up with the constantly changing and evolving nature of guidance and help with coronavirus. Here are some links to different national organisations and their advice.
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    Isolation and social distancing is very difficult for everybody, especially for those with existing mental health conditions. It can be a struggle for anyone to cope with isolation and the immense changes to our way of life.
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    Worries about Coronavirus (COVID-19) are common, a lot of people are worried about staying at home and avoiding seeing people outside their household.
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    Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust (LPT) has launched a dedicated 24 hour ‘phone line for people of all ages in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland to access NHS mental health support when they need it urgently: 0116 295 3060
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    Within these uncertain times, many people are worrying about their finances. Anglian Water Support can help.
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    Share your story to help services learn and improve from the experiences of people from Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic backgrounds during COVID-19.
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    The Big Barnardo’s Conversation is aimed at highlighting the impact of Covid-19 on children and young people across the UK.
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    Supporting people with their mental health has never been more important, as many struggle to deal with the Covid-19 lockdown.
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    Rutland residents and health care professionals to come together and discuss the development of a local plan for health and care in Rutland.
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    The provision of local mental health services has been strengthened by making it easier to access mental health support.
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    Working together with Healthwatch Leicester and Leicestershire, Healthwatch Rutland will be running a series of themed community focus groups to identify the impact of changes introduced across health and social care, in response to the pandemic.
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    The NHS is urging the public to have their say on plans to improve the way adult mental health care is delivered across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR).
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    Leicestershire Partnership Trust’s (LPT) independent Patient, Carer and Voluntary & Community Sector led People’s Council has set it priorities for the year ahead and its plans for how it will raise awareness of its work.
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    Pepper's - A Safe Place aims to provide anyone struggling with their mental health with a space to relax, take some time out and chat with friendly volunteers and like-minded individuals.
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    Keep up to date with local news and Healthwatch Rutland updates for Summer 2022
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    Family hubs are a way of joining up services locally by bringing existing family help services together to improve access, both physically and online.
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    New local Healthwatch research shows that one of the big challenges for people living with dementia, and their carers, is to be able to access information and support services that are appropriate for their individual needs, at the right time
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    Progress made during the first year of the Rutland Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Place Plan is described in the Health and Wellbeing Board Annual Report.
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    Our local NHS wants to hear from children and young people in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
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    Joy is a free health and wellbeing support website that helps you find activities, groups and support near you.
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    With the theme of "Moving more for our mental health", there's lots on offer during Mental Health Awareness Week which takes place from 13th to 19th May this year.
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    During Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 we had the opportunity to visit Peppers - A Safe Place. Peppers is a group based in Oakham for people who may be struggling with their mental health or experiencing feelings of loneliness.
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    There were events held each day in Rutland during the recent Dementia Action Week (13-19 May) to raise awareness of dementia and the local support services available. Healthwatch Rutland supported an event held at The Falcon Hotel in Uppingham organised by The Rotary Club, in partnership with Uppingham Surgery Patient Participation Group.