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    Today we launch the “What Would You Do?” campaign to encourage everyone in Rutland to share their views about what changes to local NHS services should be made in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
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    We are working with colleagues in Healthwatch Leicester/Leicestershire to deliver co-ordinated engagement with the public about the plan’s proposals.
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    It can be harder for older people to stay fit and well throughout the colder months.
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    NHS organisations in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) have published the Better Care Together ‘Next steps to better care in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland’.
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    It only takes a minute to complete our quick poll that asks how much you would like to be involved in planning your care when you are older.
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    People in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) are invited to sign up to a new online network to help shape the future of local NHS services
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    The Covid-19 vaccination programme in Rutland is planned to start on December 21st 2020, subject to delivery of the first batch of the vaccine.
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    Age UK Leicestershire and Rutland works throughout Rutland with people over 50 and their carers, providing support, information and activities
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    Keep up to date with local news and Healthwatch Rutland updates for Summer 2022
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    Rutland County Council has launched its latest Childcare Sufficiency Assessment.
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    Progress made during the first year of the Rutland Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Place Plan is described in the Health and Wellbeing Board Annual Report.
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    There were events held each day in Rutland during the recent Dementia Action Week (13-19 May) to raise awareness of dementia and the local support services available. Healthwatch Rutland supported an event held at The Falcon Hotel in Uppingham organised by The Rotary Club, in partnership with Uppingham Surgery Patient Participation Group.
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    The government wants to know how they can make sure that health and social care staff have the right training to understand the needs of people with a learning disability and autistic people, and make reasonable adjustments to support them.
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    This week GPs in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland are encouraging people with a learning disability to make sure they have an annual health check.
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    We all love the NHS, but let’s make it even better this year. Tell us about your experiences of health and social care, and the changes that you would like to see made locally, in our online survey. #SpeakUp2020
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    Have your say on the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) and Alternative Provision (AP) system proposals in England. Share your views by Friday 1 July 2022.