Throughout November we have continued our focus of engaging with children, young people and families about their experiences of accessing GP appointments and NHS dentistry in Rutland. We visited a stay and play session at the Uppingham Scout Hut and listened to the Rutland Disabled Youth Forum.
In November we attended the Healthwatch England National Conference in London. Being 1 of 153 local Healthwatch, it was a great opportunity for us to network with other local Healthwatch and hear about their successes and challenges from the past year.
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is the virus causing many coughs and colds, which peaks in December and January each year.
Usually, RSV infections get better by themselves, but they can become much more serious for some people, particularly babies and older adults. A vaccine is now available to help protect young babies and older people from becoming seriously unwell from RSV.
Healthwatch Rutland is a member of the Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership (MNVP). The group is looking for members to share their experiences so that they can help shape our local maternity services.
As part of the Healthwatch Rutland children and young people focus, we recently visited the Rutland Family Hub. Over the last couple of years, one of our work themes has been NHS dentistry access in Rutland. Continuing with that theme, we are now seeking to find out if children and young people can access NHS dentistry locally.
To mark the occasion the hospital held a family fun day on 17 August in the grounds with bouncy castle, face painting, tombola, second hand book sale, and stalls giving health and care information.
Rutland County Council are asking adults in Rutland to take part in a county-wide survey that will help health professionals offer targeted support around weight loss and healthy eating.
The NHS is urging all pregnant women and mothers of newborn babies to get their free whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine. Women should ideally have the vaccine during pregnancy or before their child is two months old, to help protect them.