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    Today we launch the “What Would You Do?” campaign to encourage everyone in Rutland to share their views about what changes to local NHS services should be made in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
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    We are working with colleagues in Healthwatch Leicester/Leicestershire to deliver co-ordinated engagement with the public about the plan’s proposals.
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    A message from Dr Janet Underwood the Chair of Healthwatch Rutland
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    Our project What matters to you? is asking how you want to take control of your own health and wellbeing and help you to live a healthier life
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    Everyone has different experiences of care - the CQC wants to hear feedback on health and social care from everyone. Tell them about your care to make sure services work better for us all.
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    Do you find communications from the NHS to you are easily understandable? Do they arrive on time and give you enough information?
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    We would like to hear your recent experiences of attending the Minor Injuries Unit that runs at Rutland Memorial Hospital.
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    Our revisit to the Adults Emergency Department at Leicester Royal Infirmary finds welcome changes and we recommend continuing with improvement work.