Visit Report: Stamford Minor Injuries Unit

Find out what our Enter and View teams heard from people attending the Stamford Minor Injuries Unit

As part of our programme to understand more about how local urgent care services are meeting people's needs, Healthwatch Rutland recently visited the Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) at Stamford and Rutland Hospital. 

We teamed up with staff and volunteers from Healthwatch Lincolnshire to listen to people's experiences of using the service over two days - the 13th of March, 10am to 4pm and the 15th of March 10 am to 4pm.

We engaged with 27 people in total, 23 people in person and 4 people through an online survey in Rutland.  

Our report highlights that people are generally happy with the facilities and the treatment they received and value the service highly. Staff were praised by many for their friendly and caring approach to patients.  

However people told us there is some room for improvement in the waiting arrangements. Of the 27 patients we engaged with 20 had travelled to the MIU by car and some observed that parking can be limited at busy times.  


Read the full report

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