Occasionally issues can arise when someone is volunteering with us. It is important to have procedures in place to help deal with any issues before they become bigger problems
It is very important that every member of staff and volunteer who works with CTCIC/Local Healthwatch is aware of their role and responsibilities online and have clear guidelines under which to operate.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all ICT equipment used by Connected Together CIC, (from hereinafter referred to as CTCIC) and all contracts it holds is used effectively, safely, and legally
Connected Together (CTCIC) is committed to the health, safety and welfare of employees as defined in all current legislation and relevant codes of practice and guidance applicable to the services we provide.
This policy is intended to provide help and support to Connected Together volunteers who feel that they have been denied the right to be treated with dignity and respect.
CTCIC recognises that under environmental legislation it has responsibility and accountability for its impacts on the environment created (both directly and indirectly) by our operations, services, and activities.
The purpose of this policy and procedure document is to ensure that Healthwatch (HW) staff, volunteers and external stakeholders are clear when, where and how Enter and View is carried out.
Connected Together Community Interest Company (CTCIC) Board has overall responsibility for volunteers within CTCIC, its organisations, contracts, and subsidiaries,
During their employment, in the case of directors, board members, staff, or in their capacity of volunteers, persons will most certainly have access to or have sight of documents and other information that is of a confidential nature.