Oakham Medical Practice Enter and View report

We wanted to explore how patients are experiencing the many changes that have been made at the Practice throughout the last year or so.
Working in collaboration with the Oakham Medical Practice Patient Participation Group we spoke to 82 people during visits to the Practice in August and September this year. In addition, 1055 people completed our survey, which was available both online and in hardcopy.
Our report highlights what patients told us works well and what they like about the Practice as well as where they encounter problems and want change.
"I’m always made to feel welcome – treated as an individual."
"I would like to see a doctor rather than someone else. I do get a good service from the others but I might have an extra question that only a doctor could answer."
Some of our recommendations:
- Simplify the online appointment booking by providing clarity about appointment codes and make more doctors’ appointments available to book online throughout the day.
- Provide more face-to-face appointments and offer continuity of care.
- Synchronise prescribing for patients taking multiple medications.
- Continue making improvements. OMP efforts over 2023 have been recognised and appreciated by patients but some doubts and anxieties remain.
Download the news release and full report
If you need a copy of the report in another format, please contact us on 01572 720381 or email info@healthwatchrutland.co.uk