Board Meeting papers - 12/12/2018
Board Meeting papers from 12/12/2018.
Annual Meeting Healthwatch Rutland held on Friday 15 September 2017, 1.30 – 4.00pm, The Gover Centre, Rutland Community Hub, Oakham
Key items
- Appointment of substantive Healthwatch Rutland Chair
- Reconfiguration of Intensive Care and associated services: Update (paper 2)
- General Updates including: BCT Engagement Event, Oakham, Healthwatch Manager update (paper 3), CTCIC update, BCT Patient Participation & Involvement Group
Letter to Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Press statement supporting pause of ICU bed reconfiguration
Letter to Secretary of State re. ICU bed reconfiguration
Department of Health response
Letter to Adults Health Scrutiny Committee
Adults Health Scrutiny Committee response
Paper 1 - Minutes
Paper 2 - Minutes
Paper 3 - Minutes