NWAFT lifts visiting restrictions

From Friday 6 August, current visiting restrictions in place at North West Anglia Foundation Trust hospitals (Peterborough City, Hinchingbrooke and Stamford Hospitals) will be lifted following the drop in local infection rates.
Image of hand sanitisers

The Trust had previously restricted visiting to inpatient areas from 26 July after cases locally were increasing and the number of Covid-positive patients in our hospitals had grown.

However, following regular review of the situation, the decision to gradually lift restrictions has been taken to help support patients while protecting them in a controlled way.

Dr Kanchan Rege, Chief Medical Officer at North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust, said: “We are pleased to gradually lift our visiting restrictions once again. We do not make these decisions lightly, and need to focus upon maintaining a safe environment for our staff, visitors and patients who are vulnerable to COVID-19.

"To do this we need everyone to follow the rules that we have in place when coming to our hospital sites, with enforced social distancing, mask-wearing, using the hand sanitising stations and following the signage that we have installed across our sites."

Visitors are encouraged to participate in the twice weekly lateral flow testing that is available here.

For more information on NWAFT visiting restrictions please see the Trust website and social media channels for details.

Details on keeping in touch with your loved ones during the Covid-19 pandemic are available here.

If you have an appointment or are booked in for an operation/procedure at Peterborough City, Hinchingbrooke and Stamford Hospitals, you should attend as planned, but follow public health advice at all times to use hand sanitiser upon entering buildings and departments; wear a face covering in the hospital; maintain social distancing at all times.

You should not attend hospital if you have coronavirus symptoms (a high temperature; new, continuous cough; loss of taste or smell) but should stay at home and book a test at www.nhs.uk/coronavirus or call 119.

More details are available on the hospital website here.

Alternatively you can contact the Trust’s Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) for advice.