June 2020

Carers' Café

Our meetings
Online Zoom session
Friday 26th June, 2020 - 10:30

About this event

During carers’ week earlier in June, we heard from some of our unpaid carers in young age groups about how they have been getting on during the Covid-19 pandemic. We now want to hear more widely across different age ranges of people who look after family members or friends, about what issues they have faced and what positive things have come out of lockdown.

Our Carers’ Café for over 50’s, run in conjunction with AgeUK, is an opportunity for you to catch-up with other carers and share your thoughts and experiences of how the lockdown has affected you and the person you care for. It’s a relaxed, online Zoom session. You don’t need any special software or knowledge to use it. To register, just enter your email address details here and we’ll send you the link and instructions for joining.

“See you” Friday at 10.30am!

Contact details

Register for the café chat session with your email address and we’ll send you the link and instructions for joining.

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