Engaging with children, young people and families

On the 11th November we attended the Little Stars group at Langham Church. This is a group for children aged 0-4 years and their carers. For £1 per session families can attend and play with a range of toys, create a craft item and have refreshments. We were given a warm welcome from the team and enjoyed chatting to the parents and grandparents who were there on the day. We will continue to reach out to the community to listen to people’s experiences, using them to shape NHS health and care services in Rutland.

For more information on the Little Stars group, contact Revd Shakeel on shakeel@oakhamteam.org.uk
If you would like to share your experience of accessing NHS GP or dentistry appointments in Rutland, you can share your experience through the Have Your Say section of our website or call 01572 720381 to have a chat with a member of our team.