1. Advice and Information -

    Joy is a free health and wellbeing support website that helps you find activities, groups and support near you.
  2. News -

    This year, Dementia Action Week will run from 13-19 May. Each year organisations come together to raise awareness of dementia and the support which is available.

    Join us in Uppingham on Monday 13 May for an event to kick off this week of dementia awareness raising.
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    With the theme of "Moving more for our mental health", there's lots on offer during Mental Health Awareness Week which takes place from 13th to 19th May this year.
  4. Advice and Information -

    During Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 we had the opportunity to visit Peppers - A Safe Place. Peppers is a group based in Oakham for people who may be struggling with their mental health or experiencing feelings of loneliness.
  5. News -

    There were events held each day in Rutland during the recent Dementia Action Week (13-19 May) to raise awareness of dementia and the local support services available. Healthwatch Rutland supported an event held at The Falcon Hotel in Uppingham organised by The Rotary Club, in partnership with Uppingham Surgery Patient Participation Group.