1. News -

    People in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) are invited to sign up to a new online network to help shape the future of local NHS services
  2. Advice and Information -

    The processes that follow the death of a loved one may be different during the coronavirus pandemic, so you can find here some links to advice that will help to guide you through the process and what you need to do, after the death.
  3. Advice and Information -

    If you need medical help, the NHS is still here for you.
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    The Covid-19 vaccination programme in Rutland is planned to start on December 21st 2020, subject to delivery of the first batch of the vaccine.
  5. Advice and Information -

    Read the latest advice and information from NHS England and Public Health England about the Coronavirus.
  6. Advice and Information -

    Local Alzheimer’s Society teams continue to provide information, support and guidance to those who need it.
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    It can be hard to keep up with the constantly changing and evolving nature of guidance and help with coronavirus. Here are some links to different national organisations and their advice.
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    The NHS in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland is making temporary changes to some services to prioritise their efforts on COVID-19 (coronavirus), with immediate effect.
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    Leicester Partnership Trust (LPT) patient involvement update in response to changes due to coronavirus
  10. Advice and Information -

    The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak means you should only leave your home if it's essential, but you should still seek help if you have a serious health condition or concerning symptoms.
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    The NHS in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) is urging patients to continue accessing health services for symptoms and conditions requiring medical care.
  12. Advice and Information -

    If you have a learning disability or are autistic, or care for someone is, you can complete a ‘Grab and Go guide’ ready to give information to doctors and nurses if you need to go to hospital because of Covid-19 in the future.
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    Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust (LPT) has launched a dedicated 24 hour ‘phone line for people of all ages in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland to access NHS mental health support when they need it urgently: 0116 295 3060
  14. Advice and Information -

    Read about how coronavirus could affect you, your baby and your pregnancy care.
  15. News -

    Dental practices in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland will begin opening from 8 June 2020 but patients should contact their practice to check arrangements.
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    As part of the initial response to the Covid-19 outbreak some urgent care centres were closed in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. A phased reopening has now started.
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    Visitors and outpatients attending any NHS hospital setting from Monday 15 June will be required to wear a facemask or face covering to reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus.
  18. Report -

    During 2019-20 we continued to assert ourselves as an independent champion to put Rutland people at the heart of decisions as the health and care environment moves towards an integrated care system and single strategic commissioning body.
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    Rutland County Council has published a Covid-19 outbreak management plan
  20. Advice and Information -

    Although a localised lockdown is in place for Leicester and some of its outlying areas for at least two weeks, the tougher restrictions do not apply in Rutland.
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    In England, you must by law wear a face covering when using public transport, when visiting an NHS hospital setting and, from 24 July 2020, in shops, banks and supermarkets.
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    The Patient Engagement team at University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust (UHL) wants to hear from you!
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    Rutland has 11 residential care homes who between them provide over 300 beds for older people and a further 40 for people with Learning Disabilities, and 12 homecare providers delivering care to people in their own homes.
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    A consultation is open to gather feedback and hear the views of the public on the proposal to relocate the Peterborough Urgent Treatment Centre and GP Out of Hours Service from the City Care Centre to the Peterborough City Hospital site.
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    In line with national guidance issued in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, dental practices in the Midlands are currently not providing routine care in the same way as they were prior to the pandemic.
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    NHS Breast Screening services have been affected by a range of clinical and operational impacts due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Local breast screening services took the decision to reschedule appointments and invitations for tests to a later date.
  27. Report -

    Read the notes from the Q and A about 'Restarting NHS services for Rutland people with an integrated and place-based approach' at Healthwatch Rutland's 2020 Annual Meeting
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    Share your views about the change in service
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    Rutland residents and health care professionals to come together and discuss the development of a local plan for health and care in Rutland.
  30. Report -

    Read our 'Considerations for Rutland' document that was sent to commissioners in response to the Leicester acute hospitals and maternity reconfiguration pre-consultation business case.
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    The consultation about proposals to transform Leicester acute hospitals and maternity services has now closed. Thank you to everyone who has given feedback on how the changes may affect you and your families.