1. Report -

    Board meeting papers from 18/03/2016.
  2. Report -

    Board meeting papers from 20/05/2016.
  3. Report -

    Report on the findings, achievements and outcomes of 2015 - 2016, Healthwatch Rutland's second year's work since starting in Oakham in April 2014.
  4. Report -

    Board meeting papers from 15/07/2016.
  5. Report -

    Healthwatch Rutland Annual Meeting agenda and papers from 16/9/16.
  6. Report -

    We published our annual report in June 2016. A hard copy of the report can be requested from the Healthwatch Rutland office.
  7. Report -

    Board Meeting papers from 18/11/16.
  8. News -

    We all love the NHS, but let’s make it even better this year. Tell us about your experiences of health and social care, and the changes that you would like to see made locally, in our online survey. #SpeakUp2020
  9. News -

    The NHS is changing, and locally, that includes new roles in GP practices and how GP practices may work together to improve care.
  10. News -

    Young Healthwatch Rutland held their first meeting of the new year!
  11. News -

    Keep up to date with local news and Healthwatch Rutland updates for February 2020
  12. News -

    Keep up to date with local news and Healthwatch Rutland updates for January 2020
  13. Report -

    Papers for the Healthwatch Rutland Board meeting in public 10 March 2020 from 6.30 - 8.30pm. Tinwell Room, Rutland Community Hub, Lands’ End Way, Oakham.
  14. News -

    Due to the status escalation of COVID-19, we have decided to take the precautionary decision for everyone to work remotely (i.e. from home) as of Monday 16 March.
  15. News -

    Keep up to date with local news and Healthwatch Rutland updates for March 2020
  16. News -

    Keep up to date with local news and Healthwatch Rutland updates for April 2020
  17. Advice and Information -

    Worries about Coronavirus (COVID-19) are common, a lot of people are worried about staying at home and avoiding seeing people outside their household.
  18. News -

    Find out local news and coronavirus guidance for and about unpaid carers
  19. News -

    Keep up to date with local news and Healthwatch Rutland updates for May 2020
  20. Report -

    Papers for the Healthwatch Rutland Board meeting in public 09 June 2020 from 6.30pm - 8.30pm. Virtual Zoom meeting.
  21. News -

    Share your story to help services learn and improve from the experiences of people from Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic backgrounds during COVID-19.
  22. Report -

    During 2019-20 we continued to assert ourselves as an independent champion to put Rutland people at the heart of decisions as the health and care environment moves towards an integrated care system and single strategic commissioning body.
  23. News -

    Rutland County Council has published a Covid-19 outbreak management plan
  24. Advice and Information -

    Although a localised lockdown is in place for Leicester and some of its outlying areas for at least two weeks, the tougher restrictions do not apply in Rutland.
  25. News -

    Keep up to date with local news and Healthwatch Rutland updates for Summer 2020
  26. News -

    Visiting restrictions at Peterborough City and Stamford Hospitals will be partially lifted from Monday 3 August after the number of Covid-19 positive patients has reduced.
  27. Report -

    We have been interviewing people in Rutland with long term or multiple health conditions in order to understand their experiences of care at their GP surgery.
  28. Report -

    Read the notes from the Q and A about 'Restarting NHS services for Rutland people with an integrated and place-based approach' at Healthwatch Rutland's 2020 Annual Meeting
  29. News -

    Keep up to date with local news and Healthwatch Rutland updates for September 2020
  30. News -

    Healthwatch Rutland's contract with Connected Together has been renewed for another two years to March 2023.
  31. News -

    Keep up to date with local news and Healthwatch Rutland updates for October 2020
  32. News -

    Our virtual public meeting to discuss the plans for reconfiguration of Leicester hospital and maternity services, held on 28 October, was well attended.
  33. Report -

    Papers for the Healthwatch Rutland Board meeting in public 01 December 2020 from 18:30 - 20:30pm held via virtual Zoom meeting.
  34. News -

    Keep up to date with local news and Healthwatch Rutland updates for November 2020
  35. News -

    As 2020 draws to a close, we would like to thank our volunteers, staff, and those that shared their views with Healthwatch Rutland during this difficult year.
  36. News -

    The consultation about proposals to transform Leicester acute hospitals and maternity services has now closed. Thank you to everyone who has given feedback on how the changes may affect you and your families.