1. Report -

    Board Meeting papers from 12/12/2018.
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    Board Meeting papers for 12/07/2018.
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    Board Meeting papers for 15/03/2018.
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    Board Meeting papers from 17/01/2018.
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    Report on the findings, achievements and outcomes of 2017 - 2018, Healthwatch Rutland's fourth year's work since starting in Oakham in April 2014.
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    Board Meeting papers for 19/09/2018.
  7. Report -

    This project ran from August 2016 to March 2017. The initial findings can be found in the report below:
  8. Report -

    Part of our local Healthwatch programme is to carry out Enter and View visits. Healthwatch Rutland authorised representatives carry out these visits to health and social care services to find out how they are being run and make recommendations.
  9. Report -

    Part of our local Healthwatch programme is to carry out Enter and View visits. Healthwatch Rutland authorised representatives carry out these visits to health and social care services to find out how they are being run and make recommendations.
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    We have set our new strategy and workplan for 2018-21. Our vision is to be a strong, resolute and independent community champion.
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    An Authorised Representative is a trained volunteer who participates in Healthwatch Rutland’s ‘Enter and View’ activities, alongside other Healthwatch Rutland volunteers and staff.
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    The Healthwatch Rutland Board is the public face of Healthwatch Rutland and takes decisions about how Healthwatch Rutland should work to improve the health and social care outcomes of the county’s population.
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    These policies support the legal requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018 (the UK’s interpretation of GDPR), which places certain obligations on CTCIC, its staff and those who process data on our behalf.
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    Volunteers for Connected Together CIC, including Healthwatch Northamptonshire (HWN) and Healthwatch Rutland (HWR) are supported by the volunteer leads - Katie Bayliss based in the HWN office, and by Amy Crawford for HWR.
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    Papers for the Healthwatch Rutland Board meeting in public 09 March 2021 from 18.30 – 20.30pm held via virtual Zoom meeting.
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    Papers for the Healthwatch Rutland Board meeting in public 08 June 2021 from 6.30pm - 8.30pm. Virtual Zoom meeting.
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    This year has been a very difficult one for everybody. While Healthwatch couldn't visit health and social care premises, we were still able to investigate the impact of the pandemic on people's access to the services that matter to them most.
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    To help inform the creation of a new Place-based Health and Care Plan for Rutland, we asked people in Rutland to tell us what they need and want from local health and care services when they are ill, and to help them live healthy lives.
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    Papers for the Healthwatch Rutland Board meeting. This will be a virtual meeting, held in public via Zoom on 14 September 2021 from 4pm - 5pm.
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    Our Lets’ Talk… Accessing GP Practice Appointments engagement asked how the changes in accessing appointments at your GP Practice has affected you and your family. Read our report on what you told us.
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    Every Local Healthwatch must have a published Decision-making Policy. This policy helps Healthwatch Rutland make decisions and prioritise work.
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    Carers Week 2021 'Making Caring Visible and Valued: A Focus on Carers Mental Health in Rutland.
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    The Healthwatch ‘Let’s Talk...’ project in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland is looking at how the changes that have been made to health and social care services throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, have affected patients and their loved ones.
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    Read the papers for the Healthwatch Rutland Board Meeting. This will be a virtual meeting, held in public via Zoom, on 7 December 2021 from 6.30 to 8.30pm
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    As part of our 'Let’s Talk..' project we looked into the topic of ‘Regular Health Checks and Screening’ to understand the impact of changes that have taken place in these services due to COVID-19.